Lori Baker

Lori has had dogs in her family her entire life. She’s lovingly raised large and small breeds of dogs alike and they’ve always been a stalwart and enjoyable aspect of her life. Lori’s latest boy was a lovely Boston Terrier mix “Big” who was the most social, adorable, and mellow old man you can imagine. Sadly, Lori had to say goodbye to her beloved senior boy, Big, at the beginning of 2019.

Lori’s daily routine, at her home in Strathcona, suits dog life perfectly. She is an avid green thumb who putters in her garden, with pooches lounging, but she also gets out to visit & meander thru her beautiful neighborhood and the dog parks daily. Lori is semi-retired and works from home which allows her to spend ample time with all sorts of four-legged furry creatures.

Lori is active and will happily treat your pooch to all the exercise your dog requires and will love it like her very own.